Im November 2022 hat die Initiative „Lasst Frauen Sprechen!“ einen Brief an Reem Alsalem – die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin zu Gewalt gegen Mädchen und Frauen – gesendet.
Zuvor hatte Reem Alsalem einen 9-seitigen Brief an das schottische Parlament geschrieben mit einer Stellungnahme zu deren geplanter Self-ID-Gesetzgebung. In diesem Brief hatte sie den Standpunkt von Feministinnen bekräftigt, dass diese Gesetzgebung eine Gefährdung für Frauenrechte darstellt und daher dringend nachgebessert werden muss.
Ihr Brief ist zum Teil hier in Deutsch übersetzt. Hier kann er vollständig gelesen werden.
Wir haben unseren Brief verfasst, um Reem Alsalem darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass auch in Deutschland eine ähnliche Gesetzgebung wie in Schottland geplant ist und haben um ihre Unterstützung gebeten. Wir sind darauf eingegangen, dass die Situation der Frauenrechte in Deutschland insgesamt zu wünschen übrig lässt und das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz eine weitere Verschärfung für Mädchen und Frauen darstellt.
Wir ermutigen auch weitere Gruppen und Einzelpersonen dazu, insbesondere Berichte über Missbrauch durch Genderidentitäts-Richtlinien und -Gesetze an die UN und Reem Alsalem einzureichen, um die negativen Auswirkungen für Frauen zu belegen.
In Folge veröffentlichen wir unser Schreiben.
Self ID legislation and women‘s rights situation in Germany – Call for help
Dear Mrs. Alsalem,
your statement on the proposed SelfID legislation in Scotland was a great relief to all feminists worldwide who have been fighting against gender identity laws for years. We would like to begin by expressing our great gratitude to you for this. In your extensive letter, you go into great detail about the consequences of this legislation for girls and women in Scotland. We therefore assume that, as an expert, we do not need to explain the context to you again in more detail.
However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this legislation in a very similar form is also announced for next year in Germany and what this means for girls and women in the most populous country in central Europe.
In Germany, plans include:
- that minors from the age of 14 are allowed to determine the entry of their (legal) sex,
- that men may declare themselves to be women without an expert opinion and may change the entry of their (legal) sex once a year,
- that a ban on disclosure protects self-declared “gender identity” and makes it a punishable offense to address a person by his or her actual sex or original name.
Only recently – on November 18, 2022 – the German federal cabinet presented a comprehensive action plan “Queer Life”, which is to serve as a roadmap for the coming years. For this action plan, the “queer representative” of the federal government, Sven Lehmann, has a sum of 70 million euros at his disposal. Here, not only the “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz“ – the German version of a self ID legislation – is announced, but also, among other things, an amendment to the German constitution (addition of a prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of an undefined “sexual identity” to paragraph 3 on equal treatment) and stricter legislation against “hate crime” (“queer hostility”). Since this action plan is not based on sex but on self-declared “gender identity”, we fear far-reaching consequences for women’s rights, maternal rights and child protection. We have summarized them in a statement.
As you might know, Germany has become a misogynistic country which refuses to accept feminist progress. A few examples:
Prostitution has been legalized in Germany for over 20 years. Germany is thus the brothel of Europe, the center of human trafficking and the destination of sex tourists from all over the world. The situation of women in prostitution is shocking. Girls and young women are led into prostitution via “loverboys” and the online platform OnlyFans. The legal purchase of sex has normalized an image of women as commodities for sale in our society. This is evidenced by Melissa Farley’s recent study on men’s prostitution behaviour in Germany.
Germany ratified the Istanbul Convention on Violence against Women relatively late – only in 2018. However, the full implementation has been delayed by the German government for almost 5 years, now. Conceded funds have been spread over the years in such a way that only 5 million euros per year have been made available for this purpose. According to expert Dr. Kristina Wolff (Femicide Observation Center), funding runs out at the end of this year. The Istanbul Convention is not even mentioned in the federal budget. Instead, the planned “Selbstbestimmungsgesetz” stipulates that men (“transwomen”) should also have access to women’s shelters. The responsibility of deciding which men will be granted access is shifted to the already overburdened women’s shelter staff. The women’s shelters are permanently overburdened and suffer from very poor funding. At the same time, violence against women and the rate of femicides have been on the rise for years. The Femicide Observation Center has already counted at least 190 murdered women for this year.
Germany has a very active fathers’ rights movement that influences politics, jurisprudence and the media. The situation of mothers and children who want to free themselves from abusive and violent relationships is devastating. Also playing a role here is the fact that many courts and offices are not even aware of the Istanbul Convention, let alone have implemented it. Fathers can torment mothers and children for many years after separation with the help of institutional and financial violence (see the results of the “Hammer study”). Maternal and child poverty is comparatively high in Germany. So is the pay and care gap between women and men.
In Germany, feminists have been fighting pedocriminality since the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, rings of pedo-criminal offenders with international connections have been uncovered in Lügde, Münster and Bergisch-Gladbach. A very high number of unreported cases can be assumed. In the context of queer politics, old acquaintances from the German pedo-criminal scene are once again able to make themselves heard politically and in some cases sit in influential positions. The red carpet will be rolled out for these men with an amendment to the German constitution, paragraph 3, as they can declare pedophilia to be a protected “sexual identity”. This was already attempted in 2010.
Germany plays a leading role in Europe concerning “gender reassignment surgery and treatment”. It is a market with growth rates of 25%. Therefore, there is a well-founded interest on the part of the pharmaceutical industry and plastic surgery providers to push for a “self ID legislation” in Germany.
The trans lobby associations in Germany are excellently funded and well networked in the media, industry and politics. They conduct trainings of media, educational institutions, police etc. all over Germany. In total, they receive almost 3 million euros per year from public funding.
Already happening in Germany:
- Men are transferred to women’s prisons,
- Men are allowed in women’s shelters,
- Men take quota positions from women in politics,
- Men aggressively demand access to lesbian events,
- Men take representative positions for lesbians in politics ,
- Lesbians are violently attacked at Dyke Marches,
- Public women’s toilets are being creepingly abolished,
- Men receive women’s prices, e.g. in arts, sports, beauty contests ,
- Children are indoctrinated by gender identity ideology in kindergarten and school,
- Women are aggressively attacked by men in politics and the media when they stand
up for their rights.
The measures planned by the federal government within the framework of so-called queer politics thus represent a further aggravation of the already precarious situation regarding women’s rights in Germany.
We would be very grateful if you could take a position on this vis-à-vis the German Federal Government. We would also be happy to talk to you personally or to provide you with further information.
Yours sincerely
Initiative “Lasst Frauen Sprechen! / Let Women Speak!”
List of sources:,-gr%C3%BCne-bald-wechsel-an-spitze-des-kreisverbands-_arid,5405343.html?reduced=true