Res­sour­cen / all I want for christmas

Femi­nis­ti­sche Wün­sche zu Weih­nach­ten und Neu­jahr. Inspi­riert von Get the L Out in UK und Wales Women’s Rights Network.
Bild von auf Freepik

All I want for Christmas is women's rights and single sex spaces

„All I want for Christmas…“

Post­kar­te / For­mat: DIN A6; 4/0‑farbig

All I want for New Year is women's rights and single sex spaces

„All I want for New Year“

Post­kar­te / For­mat: DIN A6; 4/0‑farbig

„All I want…“

Post­kar­te auf A4 / 2 Sor­ten; 4/0‑farbig

All I want for Christmas is women's rights and single sex spaces

„All I want for Christmas…“

Ins­ta-Kachel / For­mat: 1080 x 1080 px / 72dpi

All I want for New Year is women's rights and single sex spaces

„All I want for New Year“

Ins­ta-Kachel / For­mat: 1080 x 1080 px / 72dpi

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