Ein­rei­chung an die UN zur regel­mä­ßi­gen Über­prü­fung der Men­schen­rech­te in Deutschland

6. Apr 2023

Die Initia­ti­ve „Lasst Frau­en Spre­chen!“ hat bei der UN eine offi­zi­el­le Beschwer­de ein­ge­reicht zur Situa­ti­on der Frau­en- und Men­schen­rech­te in Deutschland.

Die­se Über­prü­fung der Men­schen­rechts­si­tua­ti­on in ein­zel­nen Mit­glieds­staa­ten der UN fin­det alle 4 Jah­re statt. Im letz­ten Zyklus hat­ten Trans­ak­ti­vis­ten in vie­len Natio­nen Gen­der­iden­ti­täts-Geset­ze und Rege­lun­gen ein­ge­for­dert und sind dar­in gehört wor­den. Es ist daher wich­tig, dass Frau­en und Frau­en­recht­le­rin­nen ver­stärkt die UN über die Unter­gra­bung von Frau­en­rech­ten infor­mie­ren – selbst wenn die UN Frau­en­rechts­grup­pie­run­gen wie die WDI teils aktiv ausschließt. 

Wir haben nicht nur über die Gefähr­dung durch Gen­der­iden­ti­täts­ge­set­ze infor­miert, son­dern bei­spiels­wei­se auch über die ver­hee­ren­de Situa­ti­on der Frau­en in der Pro­sti­tu­ti­on oder von Müt­tern und Kin­dern vor Fami­li­en­ge­rich­ten. Vie­le wei­te­re Aspek­te könn­ten noch ergänzt wer­den, bspw. der dra­ma­ti­sche Rück­gang einer ange­mes­se­nen Geburts­hil­fe. Ein wei­te­rer Aspekt ist die kon­kre­te Gefähr­dung des Frau­en­sports durch Ver­bän­de, die die Auf­nah­me von Män­nern in Frau­en­sport­mann­schaf­ten erlauben.

Das bedeu­tet: Wir konn­ten tat­säch­lich nur Teil­aspek­te beleuch­ten, da die UN für die­se Stel­lung­nah­men nur eine begrenz­te Wort­men­ge erlaubt.

Wir stel­len die Stel­lung­nah­me hier im eng­li­schen Ori­gi­nal ein. Neben unse­rer Ein­rei­chung haben auch LAZ Rel­oa­ded, die Frau­en Akti­on Mün­chen, die LGB Alli­ance Deutsch­land und die Gesell­schaft für Geschlech­ter­ge­rech­tig­keit Stel­lung­nah­men eingereicht.

Stake­hol­der sub­mis­si­on Uni­ver­sal Peri­odic Review Germany 

The initia­ti­ve „Lasst Frau­en Spre­chen!“ is a femi­nist grass­roots group that has set its­elf the task of repre­sen­ting the sex-based rights of girls, women, les­bi­ans, mothers and their child­ren. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, this task is hard­ly taken on by the lar­ge and publicly fun­ded women’s rights orga­niza­ti­ons. Ins­tead, we obser­ve that orga­niza­ti­ons such as the Women’s Lawy­ers‘ Asso­cia­ti­on or the Women’s Coun­cil sup­port anti-women legis­la­ti­ve pro­jects of the fede­ral govern­ment[1].

We pur­sue the goal of brin­ging women’s voices to the streets, informing the public and defen­ding women’s sex-based rights, inclu­ding through state­ments to poli­ti­ci­ans, the media, the EU and the UN.

For some time now, we have been incre­asing­ly expo­sed to miso­gy­ny in social media and in public as com­mit­ted femi­nists who stand up for sex-based rights. We are expe­ri­en­cing an increase in ver­bal and phy­si­cal assaults on femi­nist com­mit­ted women, mothers and les­bi­ans. As a result, women have to take gre­at risks when they beco­me poli­ti­cal­ly acti­ve. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly over the cour­se of the last year, we have seen a signi­fi­cant increase in miso­gy­ny and anti-femi­nist developments.

Some examp­les:

  • Women and femi­nists are insul­ted and dehu­ma­ni­zed as TERFs, TURDs and vermin
  • Women and femi­nists are deni­gra­ted as right-wing extre­mists or even fascists and are thus built up to an ene­my image
  • Women and femi­nists are pre­ven­ted from poli­ti­cal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on by blo­cking poli­ti­ci­ans, igno­ring our let­ters and state­ments, or being excluded from poli­ti­cal bodies such as the working groups of the “Que­er Living” Action Plan.
  • Women and femi­nists face a dra­stic increase in insults, thre­ats, vio­lent fan­ta­sies, and calls for vio­lence, up to and inclu­ding the deve­lo­p­ment of a first-per­son shoo­ter that can be used to shoot „TERFs“ – i.e. women
  • Femi­nist les­bi­ans are insul­ted, excluded, and phy­si­cal­ly assaul­ted at Dyke Marches.
  • Mis­in­for­ma­ti­on about femi­nists‘ poli­ti­cal goals and miso­gy­ny is spread by lea­ders, jour­na­lists, and media out­lets on social media and in TV and print.
  • Women and femi­nists are at risk of being cri­mi­na­li­zed in their demo­cra­tic and poli­ti­cal actions by report­ing offices.

We obser­ve with con­cern that vio­lent rhe­to­ric and miso­gy­ny are often rela­ted to que­er poli­ti­cal demands and are tole­ra­ted or actively used by que­er acti­vists or orga­niza­ti­ons. The inter­na­tio­nal and natio­nal pro­mo­ti­on of gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy and que­er poli­tics by lar­ge foun­da­ti­ons like the Arcus Foun­da­ti­on and in Ger­ma­ny by „Demo­kra­tie leben“ or the action plan „Que­er Leben“ lead to the fact that the inte­rests of women can no lon­ger be addressed.

Last year, we wro­te to the UN Spe­cial Rap­por­teur Reem Alsa­lem[2] and descri­bed the bad situa­ti­on of women’s rights in Ger­ma­ny. We repeat and sup­ple­ment this sum­ma­ry of con­cre­te evi­dence here.

1. Plan­ned self-deter­mi­na­ti­on law („Selbst­bestim­mungs­gesetz“)

Alsalem’s state­ment on the pro­po­sed Sel­fID legis­la­ti­on in Scot­land[3] was a gre­at reli­ef to all femi­nists world­wi­de who have been fight­ing against gen­der iden­ti­ty laws for years. In her exten­si­ve let­ter, she went into gre­at detail about the con­se­quen­ces of this legis­la­ti­on for women. This legis­la­ti­on in a very simi­lar form is also announ­ced for this year in Germany.

In Ger­ma­ny, plans include[4]:

  • that minors from the age of 14 are allo­wed to deter­mi­ne the ent­ry of their (legal) sex,
  • that men may decla­re them­sel­ves to be women wit­hout an expert opi­ni­on and may chan­ge the ent­ry of their (legal) sex once a year,
  • that a ban on dis­clo­sure pro­tects self-declared “gen­der iden­ti­ty” and makes it a punis­ha­ble offen­se to address a per­son by his or her actu­al sex or ori­gi­nal name.

2. Action plan “Que­er Leben” (“Que­er Living”)

In Novem­ber 2022 the Ger­man fede­ral cabi­net pre­sen­ted a com­pre­hen­si­ve action plan “Que­er Living”, which is to ser­ve as a road­map for the coming years[5]. For this action plan, the “que­er repre­sen­ta­ti­ve” of the fede­ral govern­ment, Sven Leh­mann, has a sum of 70 mil­li­on euros at his dis­po­sal[6]. Here, not only the Ger­man ver­si­on of a self ID legis­la­ti­on is announ­ced, but also an amend­ment to the Ger­man con­sti­tu­ti­on (addi­ti­on of a pro­hi­bi­ti­on of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on on the grounds of an unde­fi­ned “sexu­al iden­ti­ty” to para­graph 3 on equal tre­at­ment) and stric­ter legis­la­ti­on against “hate crime” (“que­er hosti­li­ty”). Sin­ce this action plan is not based on sex but on self-declared “gen­der iden­ti­ty”, we fear far-rea­ching con­se­quen­ces for women’s rights, mate­r­nal rights and child pro­tec­tion. We have sum­ma­ri­zed them in a state­ment[7].

We appli­ed to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the action plan along­side seve­ral other initia­ti­ves and were rejec­ted. We suspect that the fede­ral govern­ment only allows initia­ti­ves that con­form to the govern­ment. Les­bi­ans in par­ti­cu­lar are not ade­qua­te­ly repre­sen­ted, as the action plan is based on gen­der iden­ti­ty, not sex.[8] [9]

3. Lega­liza­ti­on of sur­rog­a­cy and egg donation

Within the frame­work of a com­mis­si­on on repro­duc­ti­ve self-deter­mi­na­ti­on[10], the Ger­man govern­ment plans to lega­li­ze sur­rog­a­cy and egg dona­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny. Alre­a­dy now, child­bea­ring fairs take place regu­lar­ly in Ger­ma­ny, whe­re for­eign com­pa­nies adver­ti­se to buy child­ren[11] [12]. Sur­rog­a­cy and egg dona­ti­on are serious human rights vio­la­ti­ons[13] [14].

4. Legal sex purcha­se / pro­sti­tu­ti­on in Germany

Pro­sti­tu­ti­on has been lega­li­zed in Ger­ma­ny for over 20 years. Ger­ma­ny is thus the brot­hel of Euro­pe, the cen­ter of human traf­fi­cking and the desti­na­ti­on of sex tou­rists from all over the world. The situa­ti­on of women in pro­sti­tu­ti­on is sho­cking. Girls and young women are led into pro­sti­tu­ti­on via “lover­boys” and the online plat­form Only­Fans. The legal purcha­se of sex has nor­ma­li­zed an image of women as com­mo­di­ties for sale in our socie­ty. This is evi­den­ced by Melis­sa Farley’s recent stu­dy on men’s pro­sti­tu­ti­on beha­viour in Ger­ma­ny[15].

5. Insuf­fi­ci­ent fight against vio­lence against women and femicide

Ger­ma­ny rati­fied the Istan­bul Con­ven­ti­on on Vio­lence against Women rela­tively late (2018). Howe­ver, the full imple­men­ta­ti­on has been delay­ed by the Ger­man govern­ment for almost 5 years, now. Con­ce­ded funds have been spread over the years in such a way that only 5 mil­li­on euros per year have been made available for this pur­po­se. Accor­ding to expert Dr. Kris­ti­na Wolff (Femici­de Obser­va­ti­on Cen­ter), fun­ding ran out at the end of 2022. The Istan­bul Con­ven­ti­on is not even men­tio­ned in the fede­ral bud­get. Ins­tead, the plan­ned Sel­fID law sti­pu­la­tes that men (“trans­wo­men”) should also have access to women’s shel­ters. The respon­si­bi­li­ty of deci­ding which men will be gran­ted access is shifted to the alre­a­dy over­bur­den­ed women’s shel­ter staff. The women’s shel­ters are per­ma­nent­ly over­bur­den­ed and suf­fer from very poor fun­ding. At the same time, vio­lence against women and the rate of femici­des have been on the rise for years. The Femici­de Obser­va­ti­on Cen­ter has coun­ted at least 190 mur­de­red women for 2022[16].

6. Insti­tu­tio­nal vio­lence against mothers and children

Ger­ma­ny has a very acti­ve fathers’ rights move­ment that influen­ces poli­tics, juris­pru­dence and the media. The situa­ti­on of mothers and child­ren who want to free them­sel­ves from abu­si­ve and vio­lent rela­ti­onships is devas­ta­ting. Also play­ing a role here is the fact that many courts and offices are not even awa­re of the Istan­bul Con­ven­ti­on, let alo­ne have imple­men­ted it. Fathers can tor­ment mothers and child­ren for many years after sepa­ra­ti­on with the help of insti­tu­tio­nal and finan­cial vio­lence (see the results of the “Ham­mer stu­dy”[17]). Mate­r­nal[18] and child pover­ty[19] is com­pa­ra­tively high in Ger­ma­ny. So is the pay[20] and care[21] gap bet­ween women and men.

7. Pedo­cri­mi­na­li­ty

 In Ger­ma­ny, femi­nists have been fight­ing pedo­cri­mi­na­li­ty sin­ce the 1960s and 1970s[22]. In recent years, rings of pedo-cri­mi­nal offen­ders with inter­na­tio­nal con­nec­tions have been unco­ver­ed in Lüg­de, Müns­ter and Ber­gisch-Glad­bach[23]. A very high num­ber of unre­por­ted cases can be assu­med. In the con­text of que­er poli­tics, old acquain­tances from the Ger­man pedo-cri­mi­nal sce­ne are once again able to make them­sel­ves heard poli­ti­cal­ly and sit in influ­en­ti­al posi­ti­ons[24]. The red car­pet will be rol­led out for the­se men with an amend­ment to the Ger­man con­sti­tu­ti­on, para­graph 3, as they can decla­re pedo­phi­lia to be a pro­tec­ted “sexu­al iden­ti­ty”. This was alre­a­dy attempt­ed in 2010[25].

8. Finan­cial sup­port for inva­si­ve gen­der medicine

Ger­ma­ny plays a lea­ding role in Euro­pe con­cer­ning “gen­der reas­sign­ment sur­gery and tre­at­ment”. It is a mar­ket with growth rates of 25%[26]. The­r­e­fo­re, the­re is a well-foun­ded inte­rest on the part of the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try and pla­s­tic sur­gery pro­vi­ders to push for a “self ID legis­la­ti­on”. Inva­si­ve pro­ce­du­res were alre­a­dy per­for­med on minors under 16 years of age in 2012[27].  Doc­tors obser­ved in recent years a rapid increase of minors with a clai­med gen­der dys­pho­ria[28]. The­r­e­fo­re, even the Ethics Coun­cil in Ger­ma­ny deli­be­ra­ted on this, but negle­c­ted to fur­ther eva­lua­te[29]. In Ger­ma­ny, gen­der phy­si­ci­ans who per­form expe­ri­men­tal tre­at­ments of minors[30], such as Prof. Dr. Anet­te Rich­ter-Unruh, recei­ve an endo­wed pro­fes­sor­ship from phar­maceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies such as Fer­ring[31].

9. Public fun­ding of gen­der iden­ti­ty ideology

The trans lob­by asso­cia­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny are excel­lent­ly fun­ded and well net­work­ed in the media, indus­try and poli­tics. They con­duct trai­nings of media, edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons, poli­ce etc. all over Ger­ma­ny. In total, they recei­ve almost 3 mil­li­on euros per year from public fun­ding[32]. Trans­lob­by orga­niza­ti­ons like the dgti train trans coun­se­lors in just 10 days who, among other things, advi­se fami­lies on such a momen­tous decis­i­on as child tran­si­ti­on[33]. They go – wit­hout suf­fi­ci­ent exper­ti­se – to schools. Peer to peer trans coun­seling cen­ters employ lay peo­p­le wit­hout medi­cal, edu­ca­tio­nal or the­ra­peu­tic qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons[34].

10. Indoc­tri­na­ti­on of gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy in Ger­man day­ca­re cen­ters and schools

The action plan “Que­er Leben” envi­sa­ges, among other things, increased tea­ching of gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy in day­ca­re cen­ters and schools. This non-sci­ence-based indoc­tri­na­ti­on is alre­a­dy taking place in Ger­man schools. For exam­p­le, the Proc­ter & Gam­ble brand „always“ or the Uni­le­ver brand „Dove“ pro­vi­de mate­ri­al for sex edu­ca­ti­on on the plat­form lehrer-online.de. Here it is explai­ned, among other things, that child­ren are born in the wrong body or that men can be les­bi­ans. In North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia, “FUMA” – the “Fach­stel­le Gen­der & Diver­si­tät NRW” – has been in place for some time. For exam­p­le, it explains how edu­ca­tors should accom­pa­ny “trans child­ren” in “coming out”. It is to be feared that mea­su­res are initia­ted here like in the USA, whe­re child­ren under­ta­ke a so-cal­led social tran­si­ti­on in school via indoc­tri­na­ti­on of the schools, which they con­ce­al from the par­ents. This “social tran­si­ti­on” has been shown to pave the way for drug and sur­gi­cal tre­at­ments to affirm the fic­tion of a gen­der chan­ge[35] [36].

In Ber­lin, 2 LGBTQ Kitas will open in the spring of 2023. The Kitas teach gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy to young child­ren and hire pre­do­mi­nant­ly „que­er“ edu­ca­tors[37]. In the board of the Gay Coun­seling Ber­lin, which opens the­se Kitas, sat until recent­ly Rüdi­ger Laut­mann, who alre­a­dy tri­via­li­zed pedo­phi­lia in the 70s and 80s[38].

11. Men in women’s pri­sons and shelters

Ger­man women’s pri­sons are alre­a­dy trans­fer­ring men to women’s pri­son, inclu­ding in Ber­lin and Ham­burg[39] [40]. As UN Spe­cial Rap­por­teur on Tor­tu­re Ali­ce J. Edwards wro­te on Twit­ter back in Janu­ary, women in women’s pri­son have a right to be pro­tec­ted from vio­lent sex offen­ders – no mat­ter how they iden­ti­fy them­sel­ves[41]. With Sel­fID, human rights of women in pri­son are being vio­la­ted[42]. Figu­res from the latest UK refe­ren­dum show that delin­quent men are more likely than avera­ge to be sex offen­ders if they decla­re a gen­der iden­ti­ty of “woman”[43]. Women’s shel­ters in Ger­ma­ny are alre­a­dy forced to accept men. It is the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the women’s shel­ter staff to assess the poten­ti­al dan­ger posed by a man. Men who are rejec­ted pro­test against this, e.g. a man who iden­ti­fies as a “Trans-Mus­li­ma”[44]. Women and child­ren trau­ma­ti­zed by men’s vio­lence are thus expec­ted to share the alre­a­dy few women’s shel­ter places with men.

12. Men take over quo­ta posi­ti­ons from women

In Ger­ma­ny, men take over quo­ta posi­ti­ons for women in busi­ness and poli­tics. A well-known exam­p­le is Mar­cus „Tes­sa“ Gan­se­rer, who got into the Bun­des­tag via a women’s list posi­ti­on in the „Die Grü­nen“ par­ty, thus taking a seat away from a woman. Gan­se­rer anti­ci­pa­ted Self-ID and declared hims­elf a woman. He has not made a chan­ge of per­so­nal sta­tus accor­ding to the TSG[45].

13. Attacks on Lesbians

Under mas­si­ve pres­su­re from trans rights acti­vists, the Les­bi­an Spring Mee­ting 2021 has had a lar­ge por­ti­on of its public fun­ding with­drawn. This means that an event that has exis­ted sin­ce the 70s is on the brink of extinc­tion[46]. Spaces and events by and for les­bi­ans have all but cea­sed to take place and are vili­fied as trans­pho­bic. In 2022, at seve­ral Dyke Mar­ches, les­bi­ans were ver­bal­ly and phy­si­cal­ly atta­cked for invo­king their gen­der-based rights[47] [48]. At seve­ral CSDs, miso­gy­ni­stic ban­ners were dis­play­ed, inclu­ding in Dres­den with “TERFs can suck my huge trans dick”[49] [50] [51].

14. Public toi­lets for women are abolished

The Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Engi­neers, tog­e­ther with the trans­lob­by asso­cia­ti­on dgti, has deve­lo­ped a new gui­de­line for toi­lets in public spaces that pro­vi­des for uni­sex toi­lets. It is known from the UK that uni­sex toi­lets and chan­ging rooms pose a dan­ger to fema­les. Alt­hough the VDI sta­tes that the women’s toi­let would not be abo­lished and that it would be at the dis­cre­ti­on of the buil­ding owners which toi­lets are built, we assu­me that buil­ding owners will pre­fer uni­sex toi­lets for reasons of cost and space savings as well as a clai­med moder­ni­ty[52].

15. Legal pro­se­cu­ti­on of femi­nists and regis­tra­ti­on offices for „anti-femi­nism“

The Ama­deu Anto­nio Foun­da­ti­on has set up an „Anti-Femi­nism“ report­ing office[53]. „Anti-femi­nist“ inci­dents can be repor­ted in a low-thres­hold man­ner. Howe­ver, the Foun­da­ti­on repres­ents a miso­gy­ni­stic defi­ni­ti­on of femi­nism. It belie­ves that pro­tests against gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy, legal sex purcha­se or mas­si­ve­ly inva­si­ve gen­der medi­ci­ne mea­su­res are anti-femi­nist. Thus, radi­cal femi­nist demons­tra­ti­ons should be able to be repor­ted as an „anti-femi­nist“ inci­dent[54]. Some fede­ral sta­tes such as North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia or Baden-Würt­tem­berg have also set up report­ing offices. We fear that femi­nists will be cri­mi­na­li­zed. We obser­ve that femi­nists are incre­asing­ly being repor­ted to the poli­ce or war­ned by lawy­ers. With the intro­duc­tion of the self-deter­mi­na­ti­on law and the plan­ned hate speech laws we fear a deve­lo­p­ment like in Scot­land, UK, Nor­way or Bra­zil[55]. In the­se count­ries, women have to explain them­sel­ves to the poli­ce or the courts becau­se they call men men.

16. Holo­caust Rela­ti­vi­za­ti­on and Instru­men­ta­liza­ti­on of Nazi Cri­mes for Que­er Poli­ti­cal Goals

This year’s Day of Remem­brance for the Vic­tims of Nazi Cri­mes was instru­men­ta­li­zed in Ger­ma­ny for que­er poli­ti­cal goals[56]. Thus, on the occa­si­on of this day, the anti-dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on com­mis­sio­ner Fer­da Ata­man deman­ded that sexu­al iden­ti­ty be included in para­graph 3 of the con­sti­tu­ti­on. Seve­ral lawy­ers and femi­nists had alre­a­dy poin­ted out that this not only pro­tects homo­se­xu­als, but also sexu­al­ly devi­ant beha­vi­or by men and pederasts. The com­me­mo­ra­ti­ve hour in the Bun­des­tag also put iden­ti­ty-poli­ti­cal demands in the fore­ground. With the cla­im that the­re were que­er vic­tims of Nazi cri­mes, histo­ry was clit­te­red. The vic­tims were far pre­do­mi­nant­ly homo­se­xu­al men.

A court ruling on the lawsu­it bet­ween the trans­lob­by asso­cia­ti­on dgti and Marie-Lui­se Voll­brecht, a PhD stu­dent in bio­lo­gy, found that trans acti­vists used Nazi cri­mes for their poli­ti­cal goals and mis­in­ter­pre­ted them in their favor. Howe­ver, the court allo­wed tran­sac­ti­vists to use this nar­ra­ti­ve becau­se it was such a small group.

17. Women hat­red in media and politics

As indi­ca­ted abo­ve, we are wit­nessing an almost unche­cked spread of miso­gy­ny in the media. Fact-check reports by major news chan­nels spread mis­in­for­ma­ti­on about the moti­va­tions and con­nec­tions of femi­nists. Repea­ted­ly, we are poli­ti­cal­ly pla­ced in the right-wing cor­ner[57].

In sum­mer 2022, seve­ral sci­en­tists had cri­ti­ci­zed public broad­cas­ting for fal­se report­ing[58] and published a dos­sier[59]. Among this group was Marie-Lui­se Voll­brecht, a doc­to­ral stu­dent in bio­lo­gy. She wan­ted to give a lec­tu­re on the bina­ry of sex in humans at Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty in August. After pro­tests by trans rights acti­vists, the lec­tu­re was can­cel­led. Sin­ce then, Ms. Voll­brecht has expe­ri­en­ced a lar­ge-sca­le smear and defa­ma­ti­on campaign.

She was – like other femi­nists – deni­gra­ted as „TURD“ by Jan Böh­mer­mann in the pro­gram ZDF Maga­zin Roya­le[60]. The pro­gram Kon­tras­te also por­tray­ed femi­nists as trans­pho­bic and respon­si­ble for „que­er­pho­bic“ acts of vio­lence. Com­plaints against both broad­casts ran befo­re the Ger­man Tele­vi­si­on Coun­cil[61] [62], but were rejec­ted. Both pro­grams have now even recei­ved a Grim­me Award for the high qua­li­ty of their rese­arch, alt­hough in both it was pro­ven that a lar­ge part of the sources were pro­vi­ded by trans acti­vists and were not based on facts[63].

Ger­man poli­ti­ci­ans use the­se public broad­cas­ting con­tri­bu­ti­ons to vali­da­te their posi­ti­on and publicly insult women as TERFs, use dehu­ma­ni­zing lan­guage, and block women[64] [65]. Women are denied poli­ti­cal and public participation.

We urge the UN to work to impro­ve the rights of girls, women, les­bi­ans and mothers in Ger­ma­ny and to ensu­re the sex-based rights and pro­tec­tions assu­red by CEDAW.
Initia­ti­ve “Lasst Frau­en Spre­chen!” / “Let women speak!”


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[55] https://www.feministcurrent.com/2022/07/22/christina-ellingsen-is-facing-prison-time-for-saying-that-men-cant-be-women/

[56] https://ronaduwe.substack.com/p/2712023-holocaust-gedenktag-in-deutschland

[57] https://www.tagesschau.de/faktenfinder/transfeindlichkeit-101.html

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[59] https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/plus239113451/Oeffentlich-rechtlicher-Rundfunk-Wie-ARD-und-ZDF-unsere-Kinder-indoktrinieren.html

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[63] https://www.cicero.de/kultur/trans-kulturkampf-von-ard-und-zdf-zwei-grimme-preise-fur-frauenverachtung

[64] https://ronaduwe.substack.com/p/halt-die-fresse-frau

[65] https://www.evaengelken.de/transaktivsten-beschaedigen-dinge-und-drohen-frauen/

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75 Jah­re Grund­ge­setz – Wir ehren Dr. Eli­sa­beth Selbert

75 Jah­re Grund­ge­setz – Wir ehren Dr. Eli­sa­beth Selbert

„MÄN­NER UND FRAU­EN SIND GLEICH­BE­RECH­TIGT“ | 25. MAI 2024, SCHEI­DE­MANN­PLATZ, KAS­SEL | 12 BIS 16 UHR | Mit unse­rer Kund­ge­bung anläss­lich von 75 Jah­ren Grund­ge­setz tre­ten wir für unse­re geschlechts­ba­sier­ten Rech­te ein. Die aktu­el­le frau­en­feind­li­che Poli­tik erfor­dert es, dass wir Stel­lung für Frau­en­rech­te bezie­hen und auf unse­re im Grund­ge­setz zuge­si­cher­ten Rech­te auf­merk­sam machen.

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